Pionierleistung: Eine Gruppe von 20 Schülerinnen und Schülern des Johanneums sowie des Christianeums legten mit ihrem zweiwöchigen Besuch der renommierten Boston Latin School (BLS) den Grundstein für eine neue Schulpartnerschaft zwischen den beiden Hamburger Schulen und der amerikanischen High School.
In Begleitung von Frau Hose (Schulleiterin Johanneum), Herrn Knauer (Abteilungsleiter Mittelstufe Christianeum) sowie Frau Lievenbrück (Fachschaftsleitung Englisch Johanneum) erlebten zehn Schülerinnen und Schüler des Johanneums aus der S1 sowie zehn Schülerinnen und Schüler des Christianeums aus der zehnten Klasse einen vielfältigen und abwechslungsreichen Austausch, der nicht nur den Besuch des täglichen Schulunterrichts, sondern auch zahlreiche Besichtigungen verschiedenster Sehenswürdigkeiten in und um Boston einschloss. Der Besuch des Museum of Science, des Museum of Fine Arts, der legendären Harvard University, der historische Spaziergang entlang des Freedom Trails, der Ausflug nach Salem sowie die Teilnahme an einem Football- und Baseballspiel standen auf dem für die Hamburger Gäste zusammengestellten Programm.
Wie diese neue Schulpartnerschaft auf amerikanischer Seite wahrgenommen wurde, verrät der Gastbeitrag Boston Latin School (BLS) launches international Latin School student exchange von Dr. Martin Beinborn, der als Koordinator der “Friends of German” an der Boston Latin School den langjährigen Entstehungsprozess dieses Austausches von Anfang an begleitet hat.
Christian Knauer lässt die gemeinsame Zeit in Boston in seinen für die Verabschiedungsfeier verfassten Versen The Hamburg-Boston Team Party noch einmal Revue passieren und nach den Ferien kommen dann schließlich die Schülerinnen und Schüler selbst mit einem Beitrag zu Wort und stellen ihre Erlebnisse und Höhepunkte des neuen Schulaustausches vor.
Viel Vergnügen!
Boston Latin School (BLS) launches international Latin School student exchange
by Dr. Martin Beinborn, Boston (USA)
For two weeks in September, 20 Latin School Juniors from Hamburg, Germany, travelled to Boston to participate in a new BLS-Hamburg student exchange program. This initiative, organized by the Clough Center’s Mr. Kennelly with the German Program, is a collaboration between BLS and two of the most prestigious Latin Schools in Germany, the Academic School of the Johanneum and the Gymnasium Christianeum. While located on opposite sides of the Atlantic, the participating schools share a mission of offering a contemporary classical education as the basis for acquiring 21st century skills. The Hamburg group was led by headmaster Ms. Hose, who had spearheaded the exchange from the German side. She was accompanied by Ms. Lievenbrück, head of the English department at the Johanneum, as well as Christian Knauer, member of the school administration at the Christianeum. The visiting faculty took the opportunity to meet and plan next steps for continuing the exchange with BLS headmaster Ms. Skerritt and her leadership team.
The Hamburg students were matched with same-aged peers at BLS and hosted by their families while staying in Boston. The guests spent part of their time shadowing assigned BLS student partners through their respective class schedules at school, which was complemented by field trips to explore Boston, its historical role in the American revolution, and its rich culture. The Hamburg students were immersed in the diverse Boston ways of life by travelling to and from school with their BLS partners, sharing some of their regular after school activities, and by being included in family time over the weekend. Perhaps among the most memorable experiences were when the German and American students jointly cheered on the BLS football team for its exciting comeback win against local rival Boston Latin Academy, or when they together explored the BLS extracurricular fair with its many student-driven opportunities to get involved.
As the visit came to an end with a farewell party, new friendships had been forged and the visitors already appeared to be well integrated into the BLS community. While some tears were shed when it was time to say “Auf Wiedersehen” at the airport, there was great enthusiasm about reuniting at the upcoming return visit of BLS students and faculty to Hamburg, which is planned for next August.
Sharing the Latin School experience by international immersion across continents may be new to the long, distinguished histories of the participating schools, but it sure looks like a well-received “contemporary” way to enrich “classical” education.
Dr. Martin Beinborn is coordinator of the “Friends of German” group at Boston Latin School, a subcommittee of the Parent Council which supports German language study and cultural connections as well as the BLS's Global Initiative.
The Hamburg-Boston Team Party
Can you believe two weeks have passed?
Yet, I am sure so much will last!
Chapter one of our exchange
Already widened our range
Of insight and experience,
Of trust, belonging, moral sense.
And ever since it had begun
It truly was a lot of fun.
So let me thank just all of you
Who made this once a dream come true:
Martin Beinborn, Tom Kennelly,
Jenny Kuchta, Christine Kelley,
Christian Weber - let me say:
Cheers to you for our stay!
Without you there wouldn't be
All these happy smiles we see.
We hope that even more may share it,
Since we have talked with Mrs Skerrit.
The chances, greatness and the power,
A growing concrete breaking flower
Is what we see with open hearts.
Togetherness - here's where it starts
And where initial shyness ends -
Strangers once, but now we're friends.
'Bout politics we care a lot!
'Bout politicians? Rather not!
It's us, the people, who do matter,
And I don't mention this to flatter
You, but 'cause we feel
To share the joy with you for real.
The wheel of fortune we are spinning
Until everyone is winning.
We hope to see you soon again
In our hometown Hamburg then.
We'll love to have you as our guests,
Our hearts are pounding in our chests
Until you come with us to stay.
For now, there's nothing more to say,
Apart from this: It was real cool -
Thank you, Boston Latin School!
(Written by Christian Knauer on the occasion of the BLS farewell gala September 27th, 2019)