• Projekt aus dem Englischunterricht der 8b

In ihrem Projekt „Job Talk“ lud die Klasse 8b ingesamt vier Gesprächspartner_innen aus verschiedenen Berufsfeldern ein, die Rede und Antwort standen und Wissenswertes über ihre Arbeitsbereiche preisgaben. Fragen wie „Who motivated you to take this job? What is the aim of your job? Where do you work? When do you start your working day? Why did you choose this kind of job? How creative do you have to be in your job? To what extent is English important for your job?” wurden bereitwillig und kompetent von den Gästen beantwortet. Was bleibt? Hier sind einige Erinnerungen der Schüler_innen ...

1. Communication skills are extremely important!
2. I liked that we got some first “job impressions” which might be useful for our upcoming internships.
3. We could improve our confidence in the English language by talking with people in English!
4. I was surprised by the feeling of cotton...
5. My favourite part was that all of the job talks started with a short film.
6. We recommend this project to other classes because it was nice and interesting to hear about the different work routines.
7. Don´t be afraid of trying out new things – just try it!
8. I didn´t know that Audi offers so many different kinds of jobs.
9. It was important to speak about refugees in Hamburg and how they can be integrated by taking part in sports activities.
10. Don´t be afraid of making mistakes!

Job Talk No.3
Job Talk No.3
Job Talk No.3
Job Talk No.3
Job Talk No.3
Job Talk No.3
Job Talk No.3
Job Talk No.3
Job Talk No.3
Job Talk No.3