AUDI AG, BRAND NEW oder Cotton made in Africa: Unterschiedlicher können die Arbeitsfelder kaum sein, die die Schülerinnen und Schüler der Klasse 8b im Englischunterricht derzeit kennenlernen. In ihrem Projekt „Job Talk“ lädt die Klasse Gesprächspartner_innen aus verschiedenen Berufsfeldern ein, die – auf Englisch versteht sich – Rede und Antwort stehen und Wissenswertes über ihren Arbeitsplatz preisgeben. In den nächsten Wochen möchten wir die Highlights dieser spannenden Begegnungen mit Euch teilen! Here we go!
Job Talk No. 2 | Letter to Ms Rüchardt
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5th November, 2018
Dear Ms. Rüchardt*,
Thank you so much for coming to our class last Tuesday. It was very interesting to learn about your job.
I really liked the idea of “Cotton made in Africa“ because this initiative takes care of so many important things in the world. I can imagine that it feels good to know that with your job you help those people who really need your support.
I especially liked the part of your report where you told us how you support the people in Uganda. I think it was very interesting to learn how you talk to the farmers to detain them from putting hazardous pesticides on their fields, to prevent them from damaging the environment and to increase the sustainability of their farms. It was also really interesting to learn how you get involved to prevent child labour. I was fascinated by the complexity of the process of producing clothes.
I believe you chose a perfect job because you like fashion and “Cotton made in Africa“ links your passion with sustainable work, so you do what you love and help other people at the same time. That’s fantastic and in this respect you are a role model for me, because so many people don’t manage to do that.
I can imagine that the job in your department is never boring because to communicate with other people and to tell them what you’re doing must be very interesting as you meet so many different people.
The fact that you travel a lot makes your job even more exciting because that way you can meet new cultures.
After your report, I think that all the pupils of our class will think about sustainable clothes before they buy a T-shirt, pullover or any other clothes.
So you already have an impact on us and I believe you have a much bigger impact in Africa.
Thank you very much for the great talk, we had a lot of fun and learned very valuable new things.
Yours faithfully,
Emilia Poppenhusen
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* Anna Rüchardt is the sustainability and marketing manager for the initiative “Cotton made in Africa“
By Anna-Lena / Class 8b
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Did I tell you that we had a really nice “Job Talk” with Mr. Terstiege from Audi in Ingolstadt?
On Tuesday (October 22, 2018) Mr. Terstiege came into our class to answer some questions about his job. In the beginning we watched a short and funny promotional spot called “What does a normal working day at Audi look like?” to get a first impression about his job. Then we got to know where exactly he works at Audi and how his normal working day really looks like.
At Audi Mr. Terstiege takes care of people who want to work for this company and he tries to find the right persons for plenty of jobs offered there by searching the Internet and reading dozens of applications. So you can also call him a “headhunter”. About 44,000 people work for this company in Ingolstadt alone and you can choose a lot of different jobs there from building cars to management jobs. In his opinion it is very interesting to have a job there because he likes to be in contact with a lot of people from so many different working areas from all over the world. But there is also something he doesn´t like about his job: Although the CVs (Curriculum Vitae) he has to read are very different, it is routine work for him and sometimes a little bit boring.
What I liked very much about his talk was that he told us not to be afraid of making mistakes in your life! There have been some other things which we´ve learned in this first “Job Talk”:
If we have to write an application, we should keep “KIS” in mind: Keep it simple!
All in all, I liked the conversation a lot. Mr. Terstiege gave us some information about the professional life and answered our questions in detail. But we didn´t have enough time so when we have our next guest we will definitely need more time for our questions!
PS: By the way, every morning Mr. Terstiege rides his bike to his office …
*Jan Terstiege works for Audi’s “Recruiting & Talent Acquisition” department.